Nomimonoya is a quiet cafe and bottle shop and bar south of central Takamatsu in Busshozan. With a variety of craft beer bottles and cans from Japan and the world, there is a lot to choose from. They also have beer on tap as well as craft gin, specialty coffee, and espresso. Be aware that they do not have regular hours so please check their social media for opening hours.
Name | Nomimonoya |
Address (English) | 〒761-8078 Kagawa-ken, Takamatsu-shi, Busshouzancho Ko 464-1 |
Address (Japanese) | 〒761-8078 香川県高松市仏生山町甲464-1 |
Main Station | Busshozan |
Alternative Stations | |
Distance to Station | 9 minute walk |
Hours | Irregular Hours (Please check their social media or contact them directly) |
Phone Number | 090-5710-7158 |
Type | Café |
Seating | 16 (12 at tables; 4 standing) |
Taps | 2 (All CO2 Taps) |
Bottles | Yes |
Flights | Yes |
Cost of a Beer | ¥330~ |
Otoshi (Table Charge) | No |
Payment | Credit OK |
Food | Snacks |
Atmosphere | Quiet, Cozy, Relaxed |
English Service | Conversational |
Smoking | No |
Reservations | No |
Free Wifi | Yes |
Website | http://nomimonoya.main.jp/kagawa/sp/ |
https://www.facebook.com/nomimonoya/ | |
https://twitter.com/nomimonoya | |
https://www.instagram.com/nomimonoya/ | |
Tabelog | https://tabelog.com/en/kagawa/A3701/A370101/37010663/ |
*Information provided by Nomimonoya.